
Star Alen

Alen Palander

05 May Star Alen

Today is our one-hundredth post and we wanted to make it special. C’est-а-dire (specifically) to tell about a wonderful person, talented photographer and videographer.

Please meet, Alen Palander!

People have their favourite characters, which motivate, inspire and bring happiness and positive emotions.
Alen is absolutely one of those people who we follow and admire their genius life approach.

Alen is not only creative minded artist with one of a kind vision, but also a person with the big desire to teach and share his knowledge and talent with everyone.
We gained a lot from Alen’s blog, and many times got inspiration from his beautiful art works.

Thank you, Alen, it’s an honour having you in our lives and to get impact and influence of your art on the planet Earth.

Wishing you never ending inspiration!

Sincerely yours,
Rocksock team and Stanislav

Please check Alen’s art works, give him some love, learn, inspire and get inspired!

Alen’s Instagram, Youtube, Twitter and Facebook.

* Image from Alen’s website:


Conquer the Highest Peaks!